SCC Soft Computer from Clearwater in Florida, is a leading vendor of information systems for clinics and laboratories of the U.S.A. and Canada since 1979. Over the years, the Company has earned an excellent reputation for its strong R&D focus. As a result, the laboratory community benefits from SCC as one of the largest LIS programming houses in the world.
Information Systems Development is Ukrainian Software Development Company, founded in 1993, that carries out development of programming software for medical laboratories.

Our products
NGS Console
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data processing system. Dedicated to scientific and diagnostic laboratories.
Genetics ISS
A software package containing solutions for cytogenetics, molecular biology, immunogenetics, flow cytometry, biochemistry and pathology, aimed at facilities with an extensive diagnostic profile. Possibility of integration with the hospital system and access via the Internet.
A platform that allows to place orders for tests and access results and reports online, both by laboratories and directly by patients or doctors.
Work management system in laboratories of various profiles: medical, environmental and industrial. It supports the processes of testing and developing samples, monitoring the warehouse, inventory and apparatus.
Sample repository management system, enables supervision over the storage and distribution of biological materials. Intended for both scientific and commercial biobanks.
Software aimed at organizations with an implemented quality management system. It facilitates the supervision of documentation, handling corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), monitoring trainings or conducting audits.
A specialized laboratory system dedicated to pathomorphological and histopathological laboratories.
Data Portal
A platform designed for storing, posting and sharing big data sets. Integrated with other applications, it facilitates transfer and distribution of data.